
Because I've been complaining for quite a while about people mumbling and not speaking distinctly, it was suggested that I go for a hearing test to check that it wasn't my fault that I couldn't hear.

But as luck would have it it appears it is my fault and I have a moderate hearing loss. To ensure that I stop complaining about the mumbling, the solution would be to take out a mortgage and invest in two pretty little hearing aids which will hide unobtrusively behind the leg of my glasses.
For things so tiny and dainty, they sure cost a lot.

I escaped from the premises on the pretext of having to confer with his Lordship. Sometimes husbands can come in useful in getting you out of tricky situations.
I shall just tell people to speak up.

Then it was on to meet up with MAiT and Raheny-Eye for coffee. The latter had flown in from Dublin with Ryan Air for a meet up with Edinburgh blippers.

A coffee and a push through the fringe crowds, and we made it to the Mosque for lunch, meeting up with Red, Stewart Bremner, Just Sitting, Wingpig, Tractor Factory, and Mr Smith.
It was a very jolly gathering with a lot of camera fingering, commenting on how strange it was to know so much about people and their families you met on the internet , and of course a discussion about the absent David77. I wonder if his ears were burning in Cairo.

I had to leave the revelers as they adjourned to the Pear Tree and return to the castle, but it was lovely to meet the acclaimed Raheny-Eye in person.

Thank you R-E for your Gallic charm and the choccies which will no doubt feature heavily in my % tomorrow

My blip is of a Magician in the High Street, James James, whom MAiT knew from previous Fringes and who when I blipped him, said to be sure to put in a link to his website. It is<>

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