
By schlimm

'alf price

blipped from the bus and cropped.

Disappointed by weather today, no more blue skies but haar and only glimpses of sunshine.

A conversation with a colleague made me wonder what I will do once the kids have grown up, not that this will happen immediately. Her husband works in London and only comes home at the weekend, her two eldest children are at uni and her youngest is about to leave for university too. This means that during the week she'll be all on her own and rattling around her house. She is understandably frightened about what will happen but has luckily thought about ways to fill her evenings. Gym, meet friends, volunteer maybe for the Samaritans. I think that although she will find it hard initially she will no doubt find her own way of filling the space that will be left by the absence of her youngest.

When the children are young it's a luxury to have some time without them - B and I just booked our weekend away, the first in three years, just us no kids and I'm really looking forward to it.

And I hope that when it comes to letting the children go I'll do this gladly and find other occupations to fill the gap. If by then I'm still a blipper I could be a bit more active commenting etc. :-)

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