Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Edinburgh - Ross Fountain

Fresh from a GOOD nights sleep in the tent we bimbled the 5 or so miles from our site into town on foot. The weather was dull but just as we hit Edinburgh the sun split the sky. Its amazing how a spot of sunlight changes everything

I can tell you that Edinburgh was officially full on Saturday, every man and his Mrs was there and the crowds and spectacle was amazing. By mid after noon we tried to escape the masses and headed to the gardens. They were pretty packed too with people having picnics or just catching some rays. We did a bit of that too before heading off for a pint and a bus journey back to the tent!

The picure is of Ross fountain with the castle behind. Aspectacular cast iron affair which glistened in the sun. Apparently there was notable controversy at the time surrounding the fountain - in particular, Edward Bannerman Ramsay, Dean of the nearby St John's Episcopal Church, described it as "grossly indecent and disgusting

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