Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Monday Comes Around Too Soon

So here we are again and its Monday. Remind me why I made a dental appointment for 9am on a Monday morning?? And tell me how can my dentist be running so late by that time that I have to WAIT half an hour for the pleasure of him inflicting pain on my gums??

Anyhow once that was out of the way it was back to the office for the normal grind. I was saddened to have yet another request to do a special event for a local games company who have had to make 60 people redundant. This is around the third request we have had for this industry since April. The decsion by the Tories to remove tax breaks for these companies, compounded with the fragile infrastructure and long development lead times means that times are hard for the gaming industry. Dundee hasa a great reputation in this field and I hope that the companies are able to weather this storm and come through. Lord knows things are bad enough for the City without losing this part of its recent heritage.

Hopefully some of the people I meet with later on in the week will be able to go on to set up their own successful studios, using their not unsubstantial experience.

In the picture is a Sweet Pea. This one tickles me because of its unusual shape. I am never sure if the petals remind me of lips or something else I can't quite put a name to!

I now have a posy of mixed sweet peas in the living room and the scent id quite lovely.

If you have time to look at my back blips from the weekends camping in Edinburgh, I hope you enjoy them

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