The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Visited Stonehenge today.....

I have just finished driving to Plymouth from home this morning (195 miles) and from Plymouth to Work (205 miles) and my Bum is numb as is my right foot, but it was a very productive day, I have managed to procure many items of plant that will serve our little works very well indeed.

On the way from Plymouth to Rudgwick across the dreaded A303, I have to pass Stonehenge and I couldn't just pass with out a little Blip of the Ancient Stones, which date back to 2000BC give or take a few years. The Blue Stones which are the largest, come from Wales which is around 150 miles away across the Bristol Chanel, how they got them over to the site is beyond me, they weigh 50 Tonnes each.

Enough of the history lesson, I have to go out and get something to eat, will comment later.

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