Refining the Edges

By refiningedges

April in August

This is my youngest feline, April. She is a skinny little girl and seems to always be cold, so she likes to lie in the sun as often as she can. She is pushy and will nose my other cat, Sunny, out of the best sunspots so she can have them.

She is very sweet in demeanor, except when she is trying to domineer Sunny, at which time she looks like a lone, slinking, sneaky wolf. Hard to photograph her in that mode, as that is when I am watching to make sure there is not a big fight.

I have been away from this site for awhile, as I have to spend time in the veggie garden and also the heat of the sun has been a bit much. When the window air conditioner is on, the iMac cannot be used. They use the same plug, and in this old house, a good 3 pronged plug site is on the rare side.

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