Square Frames

By squareframes

at the station

I just enjoy how they kinda match the environment. I am already a lover of trains and the light-rail is no exception.

I have been massively encouraged (look at comment) to ask for your help.

You're reading this, so I'm talking to you. I'm many things. And a writer is one of them. A screenplay will be one of the many results of this years blipping. The idea is as follows: 5 or even 10 images will be selected from the postings. The story that connects them (as arbitraty and stretched as it may be) will become that screenplay.

I am biased when it comes to picking my pictures, so again I ask you: Tell me your favorites- or even the ones you hated- just pick out a few (5 if you really care) and tell me about them. Or just list them. I am looking for a variety.

And I do thank you for the constant back clicking this takes you. I know its laborious- but extremely helpful.

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