Up North

By Carwij


This morning when I came to ICU and walked in to R's room I saw that something was different. I had to look for a few seconds though before I realized the ventilator tube was gone! And he was doing so wel without it. His throat and vocal cords stil sore, he could only whisper a few words. But during the day and after a couple of Popsicles I heard his voice again after more then 5 weeks.
Due to the sleepmedications there are a lot of holes in his memories and he asked lots of questions about wat had happened in the past weeks. One of the first thing's he said was 'you all must have been terribly frightened'. Well, that was it...... Him lying there a sick as he still is, thinking about how it must have been for us, just made me crie. And then he cried, but it was an ok crie (cannot find the words for it in English).
I brought some good news for him to. Managed to contact his brother early this morning who said he was coming today! Turned out to be an emotional, but wonderfull see again for the both of them after a long time of not seeing each other.

There is but a little bit of fluid coming out of his chest drain and today the doctors told us that if his progress continues for the weekend, he might go to the Cardiology ward on monday.
Keeping fingers crossed.......

Todays photograph was made somewhere between Slochteren and Hellum, making a short drive with the boy's this evening.

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