From the North

By Tawastian

There was more to this that meets the eye

My school started today. I needed to start earlier because I wanted to redo an exam which grade wasn't good enough for me ...but that wasn't a failed exam, so okay, I admit it: I'm a little perfectionist but that's a fact I need to live with.

I was also chosen as the editor-in-chief of our new school magazine. The teachers had started their work a couple of days ago so they were all at work today. I was walking through the corridor when a bunch of them circled me. "Hey, you... You're the new top editor of the coming paper of our school, right?" was all that they said. I was like "Eeeeeh, think so" and then they just smirked and noted "That's nice, then!". Sometimes teachers are too strange to understand, I think.

The summer has gone so fast. My school starts officially at 8.55 a.m. next Monday so here I go again.

I would have never guessed that Bryan Adams has written this song.

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