
By Fisherking

The cat's out of the bag, Mr. Turner!

On July 21st I introduced you to Pasha the Bengal Leopard Cat. She was being particularly uncooperative and I ended up with a crap shot of her asleep on the floor.

Today she had no was time for the annual visit to ...........the VET!!!!....for.................VACCINATIONS!!!

We enticed her into the kitchen and crammed her into the cat bag. She doesn't like it one bit because she knows what it means. All the way of the 3 miles to town she called a really loud and plaintive miaow.

In the vet's were a couple of dogs so she quietened down and lay doggo.

In the surgery she shot out of the bag, realised where she was and tried to shoot back in. She tolerated everything the vet did, was given a clean bill of health, and then out came the needle. In it went, Pasha didn't move, the vet was just praising her as he depressed the plunger, the next instant he was looking totally stunned. She'd whacked him with a closed paw (no claws), the syringe was spinning on the examination table, and he was looking for the shredded skin on his arm.Trying to regain his composure he muttered "O.k. I've had a warning. Perhaps the liquid was a little cold for her"

However he had got all of the serum into her so we brought her home. She couldn't wait to get out of the bag and has now studiously ignored both of us for the rest of the afternoon. She''l come round soon though, it's almost what the Boss calls Pussy tea-time.

I love Pasha and the way she doesn't suffer being messed with, she'd never hurt you, but she likes to let you know if she was a bit bigger and you were a bit smaller YOU could be on the menu!!!

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