
By Poppy

In my spare time . . .

I like to knot things! I suppose it's a variation on knitting? I did a lot of macrame too, in the 1970s, but then I did a lot of things then! Any bits of string and rope I tend to knot, and now that we have a boat I can kid myself that I am making useful things too! Sitting in the sun making monkey's fists and Turk's heads and doing a bit of splicing isn't a bad way to spend one's time . . .

Had a lovely day today, just me and my dad. My sister took my mother shopping - we decided to separate them! - and Dad and I went exploring the Vikings and Celts in the local museum. We looked round the gardens and then came home, sat in the sun with a small glass of something and played with Ollie. Very relaxing and he enjoyed himself much more now that I have swapped the wheelchair for one with round wheels! The first one I hired had a wonky wheel and shook him up something awful - especially on the cobble stones!

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