pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

Rain didn't stop play

Our under 16's footie team ('The Midgets') got through to the semi finals today :-D

They played teams with older, bigger, faster players - ones who the coloured bibs actually fitted! - but they had a great time and a fab team spirit. Even the littlest (at 5 and a bit) was undaunted up against someone twice his height.


In the morning when most of the group were off at seminars or the kids clubs, Son Two (too little for the childrens' activities) and I went for a stroll around the lakes. Glad I went for the carrier option rather than the pushchair, because I set off in bright sunshine so wouldn't have bothered with the raincover - at least in the carrier it was only the top of his head that got wet! The photo is rain falling on the Broad Water.

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