
By craftynini

'Craaaaaazy Maissie'....

Today my life was bliptastic?

The guys are still here fitting the windows; so there were plenty of photo ops there to continue a story.

The sun shone in Glasgow, hard to believe, I know, so I was out in the garden deadheading, weeding, admiring and taking many, many micro shots of various insects, flowers, hoverflies and bees.

The girls were glued to the DSI's, giggling and screaming and I took loads of funny pics of them?

In the end I had to use this blip of Maissie as it just doesn't look like the Maissie we know and love.

Maissie is a rescue cat. Terrified of anything or anyone new entering her life. No matter how briefly they enter it for. You can?t pick her up, you can?t give her a wee squeeze and if you shake a plastic bag near her she runs away and hides!

An 'older' lady, she is dignified, demure, sensitive, gentle, smart and in her own special way - loving!

She is addicted to this plant (Nepeta, codename - catmint)as all cats are. She rubs herself on it, then shakes her head and sneezes. This is she in full head shake?

I love what it's done to her whiskers and the fact that she is cross-eyed and really crazy looking!

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