Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

My overgrown secret garden

During the days I've been working on a couple photojournalism stories for an online science site called, OurAmazingPlanet.com. So it is a start! Science journalism for the masses and great things for my portfolio. My first photojournalism assignment was fittingly a short piece on paramo ecology from my experiences in Ecuador. Take a look.

Another piece is on the way soon about Himalayan mountain ecology and culture from my experiences last year backpacking an old trade route along the Nepali-Tibetan border. Stay tuned.

Not much more to say, other than trying to stay busy and focused. I went for a walk in the woods to day after dinner along the creek bed. It is high summer and the creek is very low, especially considering it is blocked my beaver dams that trap the water in pools. Even the pools are dry now and just a muddy rivulet snakes through the overgrown creek bed. Raccoon tracks indent the muddy shore and leopard frogs jump at my approach. The hum of the insects drones in the sultry air and the echoing crescendo of pileated woodpeckers and kingfishers bounces through the trees along Wolf Creek. My old overgrown secret garden.

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