Curly Girly

42 weeks

Orla's mummy made a comment yesterday about the blip making Katie look like she'd got loads of hair. I realised none of her blips have ever shown that actually, Katie has now got lots of hair! And it's very cute! So today I decided I'd blip her curls! And she happened to be wearing my favourite sleepsuit!

Katie's had a sleepy day today - she had a long nap this morning, we went out for a lovely walk, she rode in the backpack and sung to me as I did the jobs I had to do, she filled her boots on the best lunch she's eaten in ages (Mummy was reminded how painfully slow eating rice is when you insist on doing it a grain at a time!) and then Katie had another long nap! 2 is normal but both of these were long ones, which isn't, so fingers crossed for a good night....

We went to the garden centre just for a little potter out, which Katie always loves and she's crawling around full of cheeky smiles and mischief this afternoon!

This photo was very nearly the blip, as it's something Katie is very determined about at the moment!

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