Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Night Picnics

One park in town stays open all night where people can come and fish and have night picnics or just enjoy the view. Actually, there are a couple of places open for fishing. Fisherfolk must have a very strong lobby, because they would not open a park for, say, camera enthusiasts who want the pre-dawn light. But, I will take what I can get.

Ed and I noticed how very little steps our pedometers were registering and decided we had better go walk.

Earlier that day, Mom and I had tried, without success, to enjoy a park which is at the northern tip of the everglades, however it was CLOSED!! NO TRESPASSING!!! Grrrrrrr.......... that was not what we wanted to see after traveling a bit to get there.

I realized after we left, I could have taken a photo of that imposing and insulting gate. (Insulting because this is supposed to be the "publics" land)

When Flick first started putting in her step count, I thought it would be interesting to see what I do in a normal day. Certainly with all the housework and other chores, it would be 10,000 easily.

So, with my extra walk with Ed, it came to a grand and whopping total of:
(Drum roll please)........ 5560 ????????

Yikes! I have some getting off my behind to do! Thank you Flick! Now I know! (Dang it).... ;)

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