Snippets of Life

By betho

After Rain

Like after sun but not.

Don't you love that after the rain feeling? This evening just as i was panicking about not having a photo the rain suddenly stopped and the clouds broke a little and let some goldeny evening sunlight through. Still didn't manage to get an amazing photo but at leasts it's something. And it was nice standing there on the wall looking at the apple tree next door and listening to the gentle drip drip dripping in the bushes...

Stayed off work again today as i'm still not completely normal. Havn't done anything all day really except sleep a bit! Had to send my sister out to get bread for lunch there was so little food in the house! Had a chat with the gas man who came and leaked the air out of our meter apparently.

He'd recently been to Brighton, he's not sure about Brighton, funny place he thinks. His sister is a nurse, she's a bit dappy though. His mate is head physio over at Frimley park hospital and his mates girlfriend is a physio too. His mates brother earns a lot of money but his mate is happy being a physio. Gets a lot of money off houses because of it.

At that point i decided the gas man talked too much and went back upstairs to bed and left my sister to be gassed out. (She'd come to get me as he's said it was going to smell strongly of gas and she didn't know how to open the kitchen windows).

Well there we go. Funny how much you can write despite having done nothing all day isn't it!

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