
By scintilla

Uninspired Blip Day

I worked today (I work many week-ends, but have many week-days off). I missed out on helping K with a movie documentary project she did with her friends showing how to geocache.

She called me at work asking about some of the functionalities of our handheld GPS receiver. I heard a lot of adolescent chatter, screaming and laughter in the background. I'm sorry I wasn't there, but I probably would have ben a "funsucker" as I'm often called. I got a flavor of their adventure because they filmed the whole thing on a camcorder. Tonight, K is editing the footage on iMovie. She's become quite facile with it. She's particularly good at matching snippets of music tracks to the edited movie clips. I think she's the next Robert Rodriquez.

I didn't have time to search for any Alaskan grandeur, and it would be pretty hard to top Chaos's Porsche mountain peak blip. Oozing with guy envy, I schlepped home.

I thought of coming up with a meaningful dialogue blip as a followup to Airborne Skygod's bullet blip, but I felt drained of mental energy and was not up to generating a provoking exchange.

The good news is S decided to try a new recipe in one of her cooking books which turned out to be quite yummy. Always concerned about under cooking chicken and giving the family salmonella, she is prone to overcooking it. She went against her better judgement and pulled it out of the wok at the perfect time. It was delicious and tender. Work, geocaching adventure, blipping, and film editing done. We settle down into the living room and enjoy a little mind numbing recorded family TV tonight (maybe SciFi's Eureka).

So not a Porsche, mountains, scenery, or earthshaking topics. Just the comfort of a delicious dinner, hearth, and home.

At least someone in the family was inspired today.

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