Bedtime Stories

Dad put me to bed tonight. Mum was at Zumba. I didn't want to go to sleep.

Normally, I get three story books read to me, then lights out. Most days I feel tired enough to just fall asleep shortly after. Mum or Dad will stay with me on the bed in that case. But if I don't feel tired they leave the room which I don't like. I get out of bed, open the door to my room and then get put back in bed again. This happens so many times I lose count, by which time I'm feeling sleepy.

In the picture I'm cuddling Boo-Boo the dog and Dou-Dou the sheep.

Whilst getting ready for bed I said "one foot, two feet" showing that I'm really getting the hang of plurals. I still say "sheeps" though.

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