365 NVR

By nathk


Good day today!

Had a secondee start at work who will be with us for the next three months - help at last! After work headed to the gym for a run, then a friend messaged out of the blue to say she was having dinner on her own round the corner so I rushed down to see her - had a nice dinner together and she'd also bought me a cupcake as a present - such a sweet girlie! Then headed off for a foot massage to round my Monday off! Now almost time for bed - maybe time for a bit of book first...

Very thankful for lovely friends and my amazing sisters today... made me think that I should try to come up with one new thing to be thankful for everyday at Blip time... will try my best from now on!

So today's blip is the escalator which runs up through the mid-levels. I took the escalator this evening to get from the MTR to the gym and meant I had a little extra book time (not enough on the MTR this evening, at a good bit - such a little book worm!).

Thought I should mention something about the escalator. Thought it was the longest escalator in the world but wasn't sure....Good old Wikipedia to the rescue:

"The Central-Mid-levels escalators (traditional Chinese: ?????????) in Hong Kong is the longest outdoor covered escalator system in the world. The entire escalator system covers over 800 metres in distance and elevates over 135 metres from bottom to top.[1] It was constructed in 1993 to provide a better commute by linking Central and Western District on Hong Kong Island."

Sort of the longest of sorts but a very caveated longest!

Night all - good week to everyone!

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