Apart from a few patches where some weird combination of the tools and materials involved prevented the paint from sticking to the plaster the bedroom and bathroom in the flat are all now undercoated, thanks to assistance from Keith. Nicky was able to paint a bit behind a radiator and around one lightswitch but was otherwise occupied in preventing the wingpiglet from squeaking, or shouting, which seems to be his latest thing. Hopefully it's not an indication that it was a mistake to move to Leith to raise him. His grandparents are popping through on Wednesday to magnoliate the walls and I might conceivably get round to buying another bit of skirting board before next weekend if I remember to pop in to get a sample chunk off the spare bit to make sure I'm getting the same stuff as before.

I had been intending to finish up in time to pop out to buy some more rain-resistant pedals but the presence of an external helper meant I couldn't stop working and bugger off whilst they were still painting, though was at least able to use him as an additional component of a secret project. All sources of pedals were shut by the time everything was complete which meant I just had to go straight to meet David77 in a coffee shop which was unfortunately temporarily blighted by an over-amplified bad comedienne though my inability to leave the flat without checking all the locks and windows several times meant that the worst of it was over by the time I arrived and completely over by the time my tasty celeriac soup reached the table. I'd had to allow the other painting-people to eat the muffins I'd been storing in the fridge in the flat so had a bit of cake as well. I hadn't been intending to pop to the pub quiz some people were popping to later but had wanted to coerce as many other people who weren't me as possible into participating in my secret thing and ended up staying for the first two rounds after nipping to Inspace to request the temporary use of Joe and Meagan too. I'd already stayed later than I was supposed to when I realised I hadn't yet been to work to stick my sandals in my locker to prevent them being harvested into lost property during the changing room's half-hearted weekly clean, though I remembered far too late to get there in time to save them.


This is just for demonstration; the bees were originally on a windowsill (my windowsill, but it doesn't make them my bees) and although the hat is mine it's the wrong season for it and the bees were deliberately placed in it for illustrative purposes rather than that being the place I would usually keep them. I have very few of these myself, though one of them is doing the groundwork, establishing the rules of engagement, setting the frame of reference, understanding the premise of the abstract, finding out the intended audience and generally reading the instructions first. The fewer the rules, the simpler it generally is for them to be borne, at all times, in mind. Especially when they're quite simple. It is therefore irritating when someone else finds themselves in a situation which might have been prevented by paying attention when the rule-set particular to the environment in question was referenced upon entry rather than ignoring them and detecting them accidentally by accidental transgression at a later date.

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