With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Those Santa Ana winds blew the leaves across the pools by the taxi rank, as orisit and I returned from the Port last night. A gentle evening for me with some friends, starting in La Vila's garden for some fish and a huge plate of cheese for dessert, something I haven't done for years and which gave me sweet dreams, despite warnings. And then not quite 'shaking it', but maybe just a shimmy of mascara (another thing I haven't done for a while, it feels good!).

We spent the afternoon at Can Penasso, Bunyola, a swimming pool with a café bar and restaurant quite high up near the Soller tunnel. Though the smell of paella emerged from the restaurant doors, we were content with a pepito. (A thin pork slice with cheese and fried onions in a a baguette) and mucho swimming for little Agu at least. I am pleased to see all the pools have disabled access now, instant installation prompted by me appearing with my stick. I am hoping not to have to resort to using it. I can jump (plop) in the pool and float about, try a bit of underwater stuff, even the odd length, but getting out is like coming down off the moon some days.

Why bother coming down? It's lighter up there and I can drift a bit...

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