
By yourdearsister

Our cat Pelle again

Today, 8/8, it's 1 year ago Pelle came to us at our summerhouse.
Late in the evening 8/8, last year, I suddenly saw something in our garden, when I came closer I saw it was a cat. A cat who was hungry, skinny and full of tics. The next morning the cat was still around the house and I felt I had to give it something to drink and to eat. Suddenly we had a cat around the house the whole day. After some days we started to call the cat Pelle although we didn't knew if it was a he or a she.

Every weekend we went to our summerhouse Pelle was there and he/she became fond of us and we became fond of him/her.
In the beginning Pelle was frightened for a lot of things like for example our boots etc.
We asked around in our neighbourhood but nobody knew who was Pelle's owner och where Pelle came from.
In september 2009 we took Pelle with us home. I went to a vet and she told me Pelle is a male, castrated, about 5-6 years old skinny but healthy.

Now 1 year later Pelle is still living with us. He feels fine, he likes us very much and we like him very much. When we are going to our summerhouse Pelle follows with us.
He's not afraid for our boots anymore but still for sudden noises.

This last year Pelle changed to an almost normal cat and does what most cats do: he does what he want to do and he is a lover of life!

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