Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Under the shade of a tree ...

Today I had wanted to photograph how halwa puri is made in Lahore. It is a favourite Sunday breakfast for many Lahori's. I did go to a shop which prepares halwa puri and took a couple of shots.

While I was driving away from the shop, I saw this man sitting under the shade of a tree on the roadside. I was captivated. I just stopped there and asked him if I could take a picture. He just nodded and said nothing. I took a couple of shots and said "thanks". He nodded again and said nothing. I sat there for a while wondering what this man does and what he is doing there absolutely alone at mid-noon on a Sunday. I thought of giving him some money, but the look on his face prevented me from doing so. He seemed quite dignified to me.

I still haven't figured out what he was doing there. Was he a beggar? It was quite apparent the he was not. Was he some sort of a gatekeeper? But, I did not see any gates nearby. This man was all alone sitting there and his image has left me wondering. Just wondering.... and I am feeling quite moved, not in a positive way to be very honest.

I took a couple of other shots, but I would like to dedicate today's blip to this man. I pray he is ok and someone is there to take care of him ...

Another Version

Today is mega-cooking project here at home. We are preparing food for Ramazaan, which is coming in just a few days. The fast's are very long this year, approximately 15 hours. It is very hot and humid and it will be difficult to cook and clean. Therefore, we are cooking and freezing some food, just in case.

I have to sign off now and I will come back later to comment once I am done helping my mom with the house chores :)

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