burn the fleet

By brett


Step One-- Take an average picture in the parking lot at the mountain, because you can?t be bothered to bring your camera up on the mountain when its just snowed 15cm (which is considered a powder day in NZ).

Step two- Put the picture on iPhoto and use every little effect they have to make it look kinda cool. I would use photoshop, but I don?t know how to work photoshop super well yet and iPhoto is just easier.

The day was actually really sweet. Had a lot of fun shredding with my new friends from YWAM Oxford. I spent the week there and sat in on lectures.

Heres?s the connection-- I know the leader of the Discipleship Training School (DTS) cuz I met her while I was in Mazatlan Mexico. She was there for about a month while I was there on staff...
Second connection-- The speaker that was speaking on the DTS this week was a guy named John Murphy. He was one of the leaders of my ?Phase 2? school at YWAM Denver..So I figured since he would also be at the school this week I would swing by.

It was definitely a good idea. It was so good to catch up with John again. He continues to inspire me with the way he lives his life. Anyone who has heard his story knows what I?m saying. He?s an incredible man of God and I was so blessed to be able to spend the week with him there...(he is the guy in the picture that is blurry and turning his back on the right hand side).

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