Open Your Eyes and See

By OpenYourEyes

The Things You Find in Toilets

This is the giant Thistle that provided hours of fun!

it was in a vase by the sink in the pub we were i for most of last night.

on the last loo visit Jacs tried but put in behind my eye but it wouldn't work so up my dress it sent and was presented to mairead as a present!

it wouldn't find behind her ear either. after number posing photos the flower cam away from the stalk! ops but jacs attacjed grips so then we had to pose with the flower attacjed to us, it went in my bag and may still be there but i have a feeling i gave it to one of the girls i was out with in the club.

i spent a small fortune. i hate going in rounds, not because i'm tight but i hate not being in control. i hate feeling like i have to stick to the same drink.

the club we go to we managed to wangle our way in for £1 but then drinks were so dear, i end up in 2 differnt rounds. i kept feeling drunk one min then sober. i feel ok today no hang over and tosay i've only had 3 hours sleep remmarabily refreshed!

and i was injury free til i got home and dropped my laptop on me foot, lovely big bruise! oh well whats a nigth out without a bruise!

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