Four sides to every story

Up. Raining.

Off to Mass. Garage door jammed.

Fixed it in the rain.

Mass. Talking. Laughing. Tea drinking. Weak black, of course.

Home. Still raining.

Fire still going from last night. Don't have to re-set it! Yay!

I haven't done any 'set up' photography for a while so fancied a change.

This little flower, my willing subject.

I lost myself for a while. Click. Click. Click. Click.

Such beauty. Such perfection.

Cousteau and I will brave the elements soon. We'll take a walk, braced against the cold, rain and wind. He'll run, ears flapping. Then home to towels, hot drinks and food.

It's not all bad, eh?

Could this be why I'm still single?! ;)

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