The Geeky Christian

By s90man

Proppy Goodness

We leave the Holiday Club props out until Sunday night when we have a special summary service of the week for those who couldn't make it to the club, which is just as well as I was able to snap this from a cushion in the front display while setting up for tomorrow morning. It makes an almost passable blip.

The end of club went exhaustingly, but well. The BBQ in the evening got rained off so we had to eat inside which actually didn't turn out too bad. We ended up with 106 registered (children and parents) and most of them turned up! Didn't have any oomph afterwards to blip anything yesterday so that's yet another hole. Temptation to subscribe and backblip is increasing. Oh dear.

Overall the club was one of the best we've had I think. But I'm not too sad it's over, haha. It's going to take me a few days to recover...

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