Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Here Comes the Bride

AND another life.turns entry!

If I had enough "costumes" I would blip all brides for this life.turns walk. You're thinking "gag me!" but I love weddings and brides and the whole nine yards!

This morning, I was upstairs and Mr. Fun was downstairs. So I quietly slipped into my, really it was mine -- I wore it 5 years ago for our anniversary celebration -- I slipped into my "costume" (bride's dress).

Once in the dress, I could get the zipper zipped, but I could not get the buttons in the loops. So I slipped my high heels on and with camera in hand, I stepped down our carpeted stairs with all the under netting "swishing" as I descended.

I stepped to the tile floor and rounded the corner. At the far end of the tile, Mr. Fun stood staring at me. I said, "Would you be my camera man?" He was not exactly thinking about cameras.

Then I said as I walked toward him, "But first I need you to fasten the buttons for me."

He fumbled with the round pearl buttons and the loops they needed to fit into while mumbling something about a groom isn't supposed to be helping the bride into her dress, but helping her . . . well, you get the idea. Of course, he knew he'd get to help un-do those buttons in a little while.

If you think this photography moment wasn't fun, think again. We had so much fun in the bright morning sunlight. He absolutely loves seeing his bride in that dress. The story of the dress (bought on eBay for a major anniversary celebration) can be read here.

This is Figure #2 for my 7th entry into Life.turns. I have one more to do, hopefully tomorrow. If I had the time and the costumes, I'd do one everyday until this event culminates. Next week, however, we're going to be headed into some vacation days. So I doubt that I'll be "life.turning" during those moments.

Have a great weekend. If you haven't done a life.turns, go ahead do one.

That's it for this Friday from "bride"ville, opps, I mean "Fun"ville, really from Southern California, Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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