life is a wheel

By thebhoyfi

finger lickin' good

I went to a pals after work tonight to collect her car, how nice. To get there I stopped at the cemeterey to try and see the monument to the Gretna disaster of 1915(a 213 yard train that telescoped to 67 yards after hitting a stationary train and then being hit by the london express)this monument is helpfully described outside as 'a celtic cross'. Now i'm not sure how often or how recently you have been in a Scottish graveyard but 'a celtic cross' is at best a loose aid in finding the monument (every second grave is adorned with one). Undeterred I pushed on, unsuccessfully, and I found this guy. MP GALLOWAY, SHIPOWNER, LEITH who bears a striking resemblance to the KFC guy. Made me laugh anyway.I got the car too on a trial basis. thanks M and l.

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