All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan reflects on bathtime

Ethan & I had another at home day today. We're going to have a lot of these this week as I'd kept the whole week free as I was waiting to find out when my stepgrans funeral will be. It turns out it's not till next week, so we now have a quiet week this week.

An ex-colleague came round to visit in the afternoon for a few hours. She hasn't seen Ethan for several months and seemed to really enjoy her cuddles with him. Of course, she saw a big change in him since the last time she cuddled him!

Now Ethan can sit up by himself it makes bathtimes much easier. Of course I have my hands hovering by him the whole time in case he slips, but he finds it much more fun now he can play with toys in the bath by himself and do lots of splashing.

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