days in december

By daysindecember

Super confined urban flipflop football

Oh yeah, its all the rage around here.
Not quite an sp, i set my friend up with my cam and he got a better shot of me than i did of him.

This is Castlefields flats.
I was born here 37 years and 2 months ago.
The whole estate is gradually being pulled down.
This and another are the last remaining two blocks on the site.
I think there are about 300 flats on this block with only (i think) three
people remaining. My friend being one of them.
We chatted on the balcony and kicked a ball as he had just got back from a
football match.
Its a very strange feeling having such a massive place almost to yourself.
You could make all the noise you wanted and no one would know.
bizzarely, someone walked down the main walkway and disappeared into a flat
as we chatted outside.
Soon (in about a month) he will be re-housed and i will probably be moving in with him for a while as i have decided to leave the countryside behind me and move back to suburbia. Some people think I'm crazy, but i can't wait. Just to have neighbours again. To see people in general!
I wonder if i will find it to hard after 5 years of silence.
Thats another story i suppose.

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