Aperture Science

By stevie

Return of the Fencepost!

Well the trusty fencepost makes its triumphant return (well you can be the judge of that).

It was going to be another set of light trails but i though 'been there, done that, gotta do something else' so this is what your getting.

Blip-love to those who can guess where it is, Not you Matt cos thats cheating!
(hint: Its actually Two places, technically)

I'm a bit iffy on the framing of this one, i could have done without the streetlight to the right but you can't exactly move a fence post!

Its a Shame about Archangel :-(, Just when things were starting to settle down after Treegonk's departure.

Well comments/advice welcome as per usual.


As an after thought -This- has to be one of my favourite Blips EVER. Its from Jim- Happy again! And just sums up the frame of mind of the guy. (actually I think its because of his marriage that I'm getting a ticket to a gig but I might be wrong, Its a small world!)

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