In Pictures and Words

By danebsworth


It took me a while to decide on today's entry, and i'm still not convinced this is my favourite. The perspective of the windows frustrates me as did the length of time it took to upload the bloody thing. However, the word new ties in so well with the theme of the day.

New: The small sum of money I won during a tough bout of poker - granted this was in the early hours of the day!
New: The route I took for my wander around town. Every turn took me along a road i'd not walked along before.
New: I had an afternoon nap of 1 and half hours - I never nap!
New: I actually had a 'first touch' during the game of football I took part in - best appreciated if you've seen me play.
New: It wasn't me that put the ball into the back of his own net!

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