The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Sunset over Cranliegh

I have driven back from a meeting in the midlands this evening, and all the way back I kept thinking, I haven't got a blip yet and still I kept driving.

At Guildford I saw two paragliders but couldn't stop due to trafic up my ar*e.
In the distance I saw the sun almost setting, but again could not stop, I got all the way back to Cranliegh and saw this, even though I was weeing my self I had to stop and take this photo.

Shortly after the sun had set and the sky went dark and it was over.

I then started the car and went on my way, always thinking is there another blip better, I couldn't see one so I posted this.

I hope you like it, and I know it's another sunset, but it is my first.

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