Baldy Chefs Blip Blog!

By baldychef

Stag Party!

Typical. Before we said good bye to Visma & his family (Chairman of Namaste Childrens House the Orphanage we support in Nepal) we drove up Glenshee mountain with the guarantee we would see some Red Deer for them!

We did on the way up. Aye 2!

We did the sad farewells & goodbye as they headed south & us back to Kildrummy Inn.

On the way back down imagine our frustration as cars lined the roadsides looking at the heards which in such a short time had appeared! Typical!

Go large for the better view!

Just like the Kit Kat Panda's

Namaste Childrens House,

Kit Kat Panda's+

Kildrummy Inn

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