
By togrrrl

Old Rose

This is the height of the Toronto summer. The black-eyed susans are blooming, the goldenrod is budding and the queen anne's lace is flowering in abandoned fields and roadsides.

This time of year is poignant for me. I love the warmth and humidity but the flowers signal that the season will end in a month with the return of cool nights in September. If we are lucky this rose bush will bloom once more before the frost and the snow return.

Today was a day off as we enjoyed our Civic Holiday. My cousin and I put on a little slide show from our trip for our family and we ate cherries and drank wine.

After they left I went for a night stroll, one of my favourite summer indulgences. For a brief time of the year we can go out at night without a sweater or coat. My cat followed me down the alley exploring his own catty places while I took blurry pictures of him. He was very brave and followed me for a long way outside of his normal range. He was very happy to turn back and head towards home.

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