
I was sent virtual flowers and virtual chocolates by a friend last night. It made me smile. The flowers will never die and the chocolates won't go to my hips.

I got some sleep last night, which was good. First time in a while, so I woke up feeling reasonably refreshed this morning. It's lasted a while but I'm tired again now. Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight.

Some grumpy people (friends) crossed my path today. I just tried to lend an ear and then let it wash over me. It's not my fight. I can't win. I can see both sides of the argument and I agree to a certain extent with both of them. I'm sure they'll work it out. I'm like Switzerland - neutral.

Trying to listen to BBC1 on the internet. Keeps crashing. That's annoying but not life-threatening.

Off out to a movie tonight. Can't remember what it is called, just that it's about Lourdes. Big group of us going ...

This flower was unfurling in my garden. I love the beginning of spring/end of winter. Little gifts daily.

My brain is like a sieve. Can't keep more than one or two things in it at a time. I hope that's just a phase.


Just had a walk with JL. Horrible to keep turning around to see where Harvey was. Our first walk down there without him.

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