Around the Block

By Barrioboy

Vertical Garden I

Barcelona has long been daring with it's approach to urban planning whether it be the creation of whole new barrios like the Villa Olimpia, or innovative street lamps or bench placement. But it was still a surprise and a delight to come across this new initiative, very near where we live.

The aim is to create a vertical garden on the gable end of an apartment block that at the moment is rather unsightly and gives onto a major junction. The garden will be erected on a metal frame up the side of the gable and as well as a multitude of plants, it is aimed to provide temporary home for a host of migratory birds. I think the neighbours in the adjoining building will be able to throw away their alarm clocks!

I thought it would be a fun idea to follow the work, periodically, over the next few months and share how the garden grows!

The lighting is really awkward at this spot so I've boosted the saturation to give a bit of oomph. And here my slant as well as playing with borders, helped get all of what I wanted in frame!

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