Quaffing in Quesada

We have arrived! Hurrah.

A delay of an hour due to two numpties going to the wrong gate, because "Jet2" sounds just like "Monarch" - we missed two flight times, and then ATC wanted us to slot in a 4.30 ...we should have flown at 2.30. The pilot haggled and we took off at 3.40. We landed 40 minutes late. Corin went straight through to catch mum and Roy, whilst James and I waited for the luggage. I lost my rag at some child on the other side of the luggage trolley who decided to open our bag as it came past! I was not very pleasant. We made a break for it!

We have unpacked. James has decided that he wants to stay at Granny's house rather than the house that we are staying it - we havent taken it personally.

I suggested I might not do my blip, as I have had a reasonable amount of wine, but when I said it was "Q" I suddenly got loads of "Q" words ...

Quaffing in Quesada was the first suggestions.

Corin also said that I am good a questionning people.

Quintessial English girl in Spain - white legs, warm and already squiffy.

Had a quality pizza for tea.

There is a quartet sat around this table.

Seemed to have spent a large amount of time in queues today.

I am definitely not quasimodo.

I was good at quadratic equations at school.

That's as much as you get from me tonight, because I am ready to wind down.

I thought this cloud looked like a teddy bear. Took loads of photos of clouds on the way here. I'm sure I could make some comment about quark particles, but I don't get it!

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