Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Hay Bales

The Barley has been threshed and the hay bales made.

I reached a point in the day today when I felt a bit like a huge bale of hay myself, with not a brain cell working, I wondered if I was getting old and needed an afternoon nap.

I have to Back Blip yesterdays because I was in Glasgow all day yesterday seeing the wonderful Luke. We went over to Meikie's, George and Freddie's, visited lots of tile and flooring shops, had a perfect walk to the Necropolis and then returned to eat a Meikie's 'Oh-so-hot-hot' vegetable curry. Bebe came over to join us as well. It is as much a 'feat' as a 'feast' and lots of nose blowing, tears at times and red, sweating faces are the order of the meal. Meikie always wins and she even adds extra chillies, George comes 2nd, Donald (with highly competitive inclinations) suffered much to come in 3rd place, Luke made a very gallant effort and came in 4th while Bebe and I didn't even manage the finishing post.

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