Lucky me.

I caught the photography bug when I was at school some 30 years ago. I was fortunate enough to have an art teacher who was into photography and he introduced it to the curriculum as an O'Level.

Armed with my first camera, a Canon AE-,1 I spent hours in the dark room. Part of the course was a paper on the history of photography. This really interested me. Pouring over old shots of the likes of Edward Weston, Julia Margaret Cameron, Fox Talbot, Stieglitz, Man Ray et all. This was where I discovered the work of Ansel Adams and like many other people was hooked by the sheer epic quality of his landscapes.

That is why I suppose I end up taking so many shots of sunsets and clouds.

One journal that is very much worth a visit is Tuscon Jim Blips very own Ansel Adams.

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