
By QuerkyPoo

You didnt get a lemon from me?

Continuing my lemon theme today - for reasons of ease, as I wanted to experiment with my extenders on the Lensbaby - the extender doesnt work - an error message appeared on my 40D - I got a bit of a heart flutter as I had done a similar thing previously on my earlier 350D and blew the fuse. !!! ouch.
I'm pleased to announce no fuses blown today - nevertheless like RAINIE' did yesterday I tried my extension rings and they seem to work very well. On this pic I used the lens aperture ring 16 - thinking along the lines of the sunny 16 rule. It seemed to work OK.

I like this lemon shot because of the fine line along the top left third - a spider web. Spiders always amaze me in that they travel so far to get their connections made. If only we went that extra distance for our connections - It like now we send Emails across the room !!!
rgds pooba.

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