
By willcarroll

Always a next time

I'd not had chance to catch up with Robbie and Nat since they were back from Ceuse a couple of weeks back. Watching this belaying effort, I thought that I ought to do so today, before serious injury befell!

I find portraits a challenge- it's hard to make them tell the story you hope for. So I've cheated here.

Maybe I'll get more confident over time that a single image will tell it's own story. Maybe as I become more skilled in helping the people in front of the lens trust me behind it; Maybe as I become more comfortable (and discrete?) thrusting a lens in someone's face: Friend or stranger; And maybe as I stop worrying about that 'moment', that if I miss it, then the expression is never the same a second time.

A route is always there for the next day, but you only get one chance with your finger poised as you look down the lens...

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