
Two tone drinkie? Midori and ginger ale over ice. Corin said "oh, you won't like this love" - which is a sure sign that I will. Yummy. The green colour reminded me of the glass bottles of Barr's American Cream Soda that we used to get from our local chippy on a Friday night - Fish, chips and cream soda. Yum. That's what childhood memories are made of.

Not much doing really. Have just bummed around for most of the day today. Should have done something useful but couldn't be bothered. Well, that's not true. I've tidied up, taken James into town - had a lovely time at the music shop buying books of TAB music for James to practice with - he has really taken to the guitar - it's like a comfort blanket in that it goes everywhere with him. I've even had to ask my mum to see if she can find us one for out in Spain. He is practising all of the time - almost as soon as he gets up in the morning, through to when he goes to bed. His teacher has clearly inspired him which is fantastic. I would dearly love for him to be able to play well and to enjoy it too, which he seems to be.

Today is "O".

There have been a number of shouts of "Oh my Lord" out of my window at drivers who seem not to know what lane discipline is, and in one case, clearly no respect for "Give Way" at a junction when he pulled out on us. Angry fist waved and a number of silent obscenities (they were loud in my head, but I don't swear in front of James, not since he was in the car when he was 2, and I shouted "W***er" at someone who cut me up, and two minutes later this cute little voice from the back started saying it over and over again!).

I am sometimes obedient, but not obsequious. I definitely obey the law. I am sometimes quick to object to things. I can be quite obstinate.

I am frequently objugating students at school. I like to share my objectives with students too.

I sometimes, in certain company, resort to obscene language - it's a flaw of mine - I try not to do it too often.

I am obsessive by nature. I obsess about problems that I can do nothing about. I obsess about doing things right.

I try not to be obnoxious, although I think at times I can be. (Obnoxious also means "bitchy" - it doesn't say it in a dictionary, but it should). I know that sometimes I can be very offhand.

I have no desire to be omnipotent, but I would love to be omniscient.

Sometimes odd, my sense of humour and taste in music can sometimes be bordering on the obscure.

I have had three operations. Once to remove a wisdom tooth, one to remove my gallbladder and one to explore my innards by laparascopy and hysteroscopy. Unpleasant.

I am opinionated. I know, I know - I can hear you all saying "Really Sarah, we didn't think that at all. You seem so quiet and reserved".

I played in an orchestra (Violin).

I consider myself to be pretty ordinary most days.

I think my opinion of myself is often at odds with what other people think of me. I think they are too generous. I don't see in me what they do.

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