Blip Challenge

By blipchal

Through a glass clearly

Out with the camera, pace around the garden looking for something to take. Nothing inspires me, and its been over, lets see, 30 seconds now.

Wandering inside, I try and find a scene that my nemesis might set up, something clever, funny and sophisticated.

Nothing - not a thing. Then I see a set of wine glasses on the table, waiting to be put away. I can see reflections, maybe there is something here, or the distortion of the room. Maybe with a tight focus I won't have to tidy up what's behind them either. There are reflections and refractions, and I'm not sure which is which.

The three skills of programming are (according to Larry Wall) laziness, impatience and hubris. I'm hoping they apply to photography too!

And oh yes, the title is from Isaac Asimov, which is a twist on the biblical
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face"

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