Sea Urchin

By seaurchin


There's often a fine line between a good bedtime and a bad bedtime in our house. Three children of very different ages demanding different things and going to bed at different times can be quite a challenge. They all like to prolong the bedtime routine. Rowan will brush her teeth r e a l l y s l o w l y, Murron is often put to bed again and again and again (and just when you think she's there to stay you hear the thud thud thud of her feet on the stairs.) And Sam, well he just thinks he can stay up all night. Tonight Sam and Rowan were still sitting at the table an hour after everyone had finished their meal. Finishing their meal. I won't go into boring details, but sometimes when you have put a lot of effort into preparing some food it would be nice if someone ate it. So while the two of them sat downstairs giggling away together and pretending to eat their carrots, Murron and I had a very nice time practicing her reading for school and being impressed by how well she can do up the buttons on her pyjama top.

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