Looking forward
There was a gathering after work to say goodbye to one of my friends who was let go a couple of weeks ago. I am very good friends with her and we will stay friends.
It was so strange to be with her in the company of our colleagues knowing that she was no longer our colleague, no longer part of the work team. I felt like she was ripped away -- I could almost hear the tearing of the fabric as people started leaving.
She gave a speech that had us all tearful. Two of the things she said were so true to her but are things I struggle with. She said "know yourself" -- work from the place that makes you happy. And she said that she isn't a backward looking person but looks forward always while learning from the past. I know these traits are so true of her and that she will be fine.
I will miss her smile and laugh and joyfulness in my daily life.
On the way home I played with light.
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