A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Holiday prep

Only two sleeps to go so with Carl out time to get down to the important parts of holiday prep. Not always something I get around to, not least as I have to do it when Carl's out as he has a 'thing' about the smell of nail varnish -and not in a good way.

Don't know if it's just mine as I've never tried photographing feet before but in all the shots they looked really, really odd. I mean really odd. They looked much more normal b&w so that's how they are here, despite you now missing out on shiny red nails. You could always add them on with a felt-tip.

A full day of travelling back to London with the kids, out for lunch and over to a friends for an afternoon of playing. All a bit tired but lots of lovely fun.

Tomorrow will be a packing and prepping frenzy. Thank goodness the important job is done.

Lesley x

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