Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Test shot!

This is my mum sitting in her kitchen in Macclesfield.

I took this photograph as an exposure reading for a photograph I wanted to take using my dad's Hassleblad.

For those of you who don't know, a Hassleblad is a medium format film camera shooting 2 1/4 inch square frames with the most gorgeous lenses you can imagine. The degree of finess you have to use during focusing is breathtaking (literally).

Anyway, there are pluses and minus in film v digital. A plus for digital is that this expression is taken in a spontaneous moment. Composing a shot using the film camera takes longer, the model has a time to relax and the photograph more formal, the results will be very different. Whether I like them more, time will tell.

The film is in the lab!

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